Cardiology is a branch of medicine that concerns disorders of the heart, which may range from congenital defects through to acquire heart diseases such as coronary artery disease, heart failure. Physicians with specialization in this field of international medicine are called Cardiologists. In this field many types of surgeons like pediatrician cardiologists, cardiac surgeons. Cardiologists study the disorders of the heart, but the study of adult and children are in a different way. For example cardio-pulmonary bypass valve replacement a type of surgical procedure performed by surgeons, not cardiologists. Introduction of stents and pacemakers is performed by cardiologists.
Interventional Cardiologists will review the patient’s medical history and carryout a physical examination. They may check a person’s weight, lungs, heart, blood pressure, blood vessels, and carryout some tests. They may carry out some procedures like stenting, valvuloplasties, and coronary thrombectomies depends upon the condition of the patient.
Heartbeats do not work properly causing our heart to beat too fast, too slow, or irregularly. Cardiac arrhythmias may feel like a fluttering or racing heart and harmless our heart made up of four chambers. Our heart rhythm is normally controlled by natural pacemaker located in the right atrium. The sinusitis nodes produce electrical impulses that normally start each heartbeat. Fast heart rhythms such as Supraventricular Tachycardia, Sinus Tachycardia, and Ventricular Tachycardia. Tachycardia is faster than 90 beats per minute.
Supraventricular Tachycardia
Sinus Tachycardia
Ventricular tachycardia
Covid-19 is the most common effect on our lungs, but it also can cause serious heart problems. A new study finds that Covid-19 is one the reason for heart injuries, even in people is not having heart issues. There is a relationship between Covid-19 and heart disease. Most of the people die from cardiovascular disease during the Covid-19 pandemic situation. They got serious heart problems, lung infections, and kidney diseases during Covid-19. Fever and infections causes the heart rate speed up, increasing the work of heart in Covid-19 patients who develop pneumonia. Blood pressure may drop, causing further stress on the heart, and resulting increase in oxygen demand can lead to heart damage, especially if the heart arteries or muscles were unhealthy to begin with. Heart damage is the main cause of heart attacks, the results of the formation of blood clots in valves, blocking of oxygen delivery to the heart muscle. Covid-19 is affecting the heart like
Blocking of oxygen delivery to heart
Blood clots in valves
Shortness of breath
High blood pressure
Coronary disease is a condition where the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart are damaged. The primary cause of coronary artery disease is cholesterol deposits are considered. The plague development in the arteries decreases the blood flow to the heart, and in turn reduces the flow of blood to the lungs. This condition leads to heart attacks. And it leads to shortness of breath and chest pain. There is a complete blockage of the artery it may lead to heart attacks. Treatments of this we may change the lifestyle.
Quitting smoking
Eating healthy foods
Do exercise daily
Weight control
In general, main cause of heart attacks is Hyper tension (High Blood Pressure). The heart works under pressure causes some different heart diseases and also it causes heart failure, thickening of the heart muscle, coronary artery disorders. Hyper tension can causes serious health issues and it cause of death. Men are mostly getting heart disease than women who have not gone through menopause. The main reasons of hypertensive heart disease are high blood pressure.
Over weight
Exercise is not enough
Do not eat food high in fat and cholesterol
A congenital heart defect is the problem with the structure of the heart that has been present since birth. The most prevalent type of birth defects is congenital defects of heart. The heart valves, the arteries and veins near the heart may be involved in the defects of the heart. It will interrupt the flow of blood if a blood clot occurs. In this condition heart attacks and stroke will appear. If you have congenital heart disease you likely will need care throughout our lives.
Diabetes derives a group of metabolic diseases denoted by high blood sugar levels. Diabetes can be caused by the pancreas not producing insulin or by insulin resistance. Diabetic patients have excessive thirst and excrete large amounts of extremely diluted urine. Diabetes is one of the reasons of heart diseases. Long term complications of diabetes develop gradually, and it may be disabling or even life threatening. Diabetes radically will increase the chance of assorted vessel issues, attack, and stroke. If we have got polygenic disease, we are a lot of seemingly to own cardiomyopathy or stoke. Diabetic cardiovascular disease can also cause by interception of coronary heart disease. Diabetes may cause harmful structure and function of the heart. Like
High blood pressure
Unhealthy diet
Heart diseases are the most common cause of death for both men and women. Stress and depression affects women’s heart more than men’s. Smoking is a greater risk for heart disease in men’s. A lack of physical activity is also a cause of heart diseases. When a woman is emphasized her pulse rate rises, and her heart pumps more blood than the normal. When a man is stressed, the high flow of his heart is compress, raising his blood pressure. Certain diseases that only affect women, such as endometriosis, polycystic ovary disease, diabetes and high blood pressure that develop during pregnancy Sometimes, it’s because women's put their families first and don’t take care of themselves., increase the risk of heart disease, that leading cause of heart attacks.
A pediatrician who has received extensive training in diagnosing and treating children’s cardiac problems is called pediatric cardiologists. The treatment may begin with fetus since heart problems can now be detected before birth and also responsible for the diagnosis of congenital heart defects. The sequel of heart disease in infants, children, and adolescents are suffered from cardiac catheterizations. Pediatric Heart surgeons treat complex congenital heart defects in new born s, and children, as well as adults also. Repairing heart in small bodies is a big challenge.
Cardiovascular surgeons operate on our heart and blood vessels to repair damage caused by disorders of the cardiovascular system. Most of the times, a diagnosis of heart disease begins with our primary care doctor, who gave reference to a cardiologist. If the cardiologist decides that need the open heart surgery, they refer to cardiovascular surgeon.
Eating healthy food habits are medicine for all diseases. Including food we can take medicine for cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular medicines are heart blood vessels, blood thinner medicine, cholesterol, blood pressure. Medicines that help make the pumping of our heart stronger. Dietary supplements are
Vitamin K
Vitamin A
Vitamin B3
Ginger supplements
Garlic supplements
Omega 3 fatty acids
Fatty fish oil
Caffeine is a refresher that can make you feel energetic and alert. Alcohol, on the other hand, is a sleeping pill that can make you feel sleepy or less alert than usual. When you mix a refresher with a sleeper, the stimulant can mask the depressant’s effects. In the other hand, combining caffeine and alcohol may mask some of the alcohol’s depressant effects. You may feel more alert and energetic than you normally would while drinking, alcohol and caffeine intakes may play a role in the development of sudden cardiac death because they effects on cholesterol, blood pressure, heart rate variability, and inflammation in human body.
Early detection of heart diseases can prevent the death rate, people are not aware about the detection of heart disease earlier due to lack of knowledge. In most cases it is noticed at the final stages of disease or after death. The cost of treatment for heart disease is very expensive. The treatment cost is not affordable for everyone. Therefore people are antipathetic to do proper treatment at early stages of disease. The aim of our project is to diagnose the disease at early stage at affordable cost. By using data mining technique we can detect disease at early stage and we can completely cure the disease by proper diagnosis. Healthcare industry collect huge amount of data, which are not mined to discover hidden information. Remedy of this problem is data mining technique. Data mining is the process of analyzing large set of data and summarizing into useful information.
Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death. The extraordinary advances in human genetic and genomic research. The genetic risk of common cardiovascular disease is still inexplicable. The status and possibility of personalized medicine for cardiovascular disease will be presented.
Intervention cardiology deals with the treatment of organizational heart diseases by using a small flexible tube called stent. The harmed vessels, narrowed arteries or other affected parts of the heart structure are corrected by stent. The heart can be subjected to many procedures through roentgen graphic examination of arteries. Cardiac catheterization includes places stent through small holes in the skin, then threading them through blood vessels to remove any blockages in a vessel. This is the main advantage of the intervention cardiology is that it avoids the scars and pain, and long post-operative recovery. It is also includes some technical procedures to treat the abnormalities. Different types of interventional cardiology are:
Cardiac rehabilitation is a personalized outpatient program of exercise and education. The program is help to improve our health and recover from heart attack, other form of heart disease or surgery to treat heart disease. Cardiac rehabilitation teaches exercise training, education about lifestyle changes to reduce our heart disease risk, like eating healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight, and stop smoking etc.
A hole in the heart is also known as congenital heart disease, which is in medical terminology. In terms ventricular spatial defect a wall between the main pumping chambers of the heart is abnormally opened. An atrial septal defect term there is a hole in the wall between the two upper chambers of the heart. Symptoms of this condition are:
Shortness of breath while exercising
Swollen legs, feet
Diet is most important thing in heart health and can impact our risk at heart diseases. Heart disease accounts for nearly one third of all deaths. Certain foods can influence blood pressure, triglycerides, cholesterol levels and inflammation, these all of which are risk factors for heart disease. Here are 10 foods that we should be eating to maximize our heart health.
Dark chocolates
Leafy green vegetables
Cardiac nursing is a Nursing especially works with patients who are suffering from various types of heart diseases. Cardiac nurses help to treat conditions such as cardiomyopathy, coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, myocardial infarction under the direction of a cardiologist. They also perform post -operative are on surgical unit, stress test evaluations, and cardiac monitoring, vascular monitoring. Cardiac nurses should have Basic Life Support and Advanced Cardiac Life Support certification. Cardiac nurse’s works in many different environments like coronary care units, cardiac catheterization, intensive care units.
A heart attack happens when a plaque build-up or blood clots in blood flow to the heart. Heart pumps blood through vessels to each and every body part of our body including brain. Damage of blood vessels may lead serious health conditions like heart disease, stroke, and dementia. Some health issues and unhealthy habits can damage blood vessels.
Habits of smoking
Excessive intake of alcohol
More stress and depressive anger
Physical inactivity
Main treatments of Cardio Diseases
Recent innovations of Heart Diseases 2022
Five innovations that would be change the treatment of heart disease.
Stem cell therapy
Implantable defibrillators
Robotic sleeve
3D bio printed heart tissue
AL algorithms