Nightingale Syabbalo
Nabanji Medical Centre
Nightingale Syabbalo is a Pulmonologist and Clinical Respiratory Physiologist by training, and obtained his postgraduate training at St. George’s Hospital Medical School, University of London, UK. He was trained by one of the international distinguished Respirologist of our times. Nightingale has worked as an academician, Consultant Physician, and a Clinical Researcher in several counties, including Canada, Kuwait, Oman, South Africa, and Zambia. He has published extensively in high impact medical journals, and is an Editorial Board member of thirty journals in Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine; and a reviewer of four journals in Thoracic Medicine, Respiratory Research, and Internal Medicine. Prof. Syabbalo’s current area of research focuses on the role of interleukins in the pathophysiology and treatment of severe asthma. He has also interest in the mechanisms of interleukins-1β and Janus kinases in the pathogenesis and treatment of pericardial syndromes.
Research Interest
Pulmonology, Physiology